Few Words

Few Words This Day

God, what have I to you on that day
But to say,

"O God, in Christ I come to you,
Covered in so red a hue,
With nothing in my hands to stay,
O God, but as creation built from clay,
Now redeemed to walk that avenue
Of gold, and heaven-ward view
O by what can my lips pay?
Those debts that infinitely weigh
Over my shoulders in this rugged pew-
I say, O Christ, my only lew!
In Christ, in Christ! I now may
Come to you, my true Today!
In Christ, O sweet Christ, to me imbue
That great joy eternal, the I AM- you."

What, God, shall I say,
But what have I in Christ this day?

April 17, 2022
He is risen indeed!