Good Friday

Good Friday

From the shadows I looked,
Afraid to gaze upon your face
I cowered within the crowd,
Quietly cursing you with the world
A million thoughts swirled
As my sins shouted loud,
My works showed my words a mock
Oh, to Satan was I hooked!

Even still, there you stood,
Whipped and scorned in silence
Like an innocent lamb you kneeled,
While the bruising rods kept beating
I was one among those bleating
I could no longer my eyes keep peeled
Your gentleness was my pestilence
My eyes darkened and hated you all I could

As you shuffled to the hill, I jeered
As you stumbled and fell,
I scoffed at your weakness
The wooden beam tore into your shoulder
Oh, you surely were not my boulder!
— Certainly no one I would bless
You weren't worth one penny for me to sell
When you were nailed to that cross, I cheered

A good Friday it was

Yet, on the tree you cried
For those who had hung you — for me!
The skies blackened as you suffered
— on you the Wrath of God weighed heavily
"It is finished," you cried heavenly
Willingly, your life you offered
For my grievous sin a plea!
Curtains ripped — with Him I had died

A Good Friday it was!

Truly, you were the Son of God!
It was I who had stumbled
For which you weakened unto death
Through a priestly conquest
To welcome a sinner as a guest,
In blood, you gave me a bath
My heart of stone crumbled
In tearful joy I plod

From the tree, they took you down
Your lifeless body spoke the price
Of the damned souls brought to life
My blind eyes opened to see
And I could not help but bend my knee
To the slain Lamb who overcame the strife
Before the roaring Lion, I, among mice,
Was given grace — and with it a crown

O Lord, I had so cursed you,
And you returned me with but blessing
As I saw your body in the tomb
The old man had surely died as well
This joy I cannot quell
I know you will rise — you will resume
No longer shall I be trespassing,
But praise your name with the remnant few

April 10, 2020 -- 10:06 PM
Praising my Savior this Good Friday