Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday

Hear, all you creation — He is Risen!

Adam, He is the Offspring
Abel, He is the living firstfruit
Enoch, He is your companion
Noah, He is your ark
Abraham, He is your promise
Isaac, He is your substitute
Jacob, He is the Face of God

Hear, all you kings — He is Risen!

Judah, He is the Lion
Boaz, He is your Redeemer
David, He is the Everlasting King
Solomon, He is your source of Wisdom
Uzziah, He is your Healer
Hezekiah, He is your Defender
Josiah, He is the Reformer

Hear, all you priests — He is Risen!

Levi, He is Righteousness
Aaron, He is the first Priest
Eleazar, He is the priestly line complete
Phinehas, He is the Zealot
Eli, He is your eyes and ears
Zadok, He is your true King
Zachariah, He is your long-awaited hope

Hear, all you prophets — He is Risen!

Moses, He is the Friend of sinners
Samuel, He is the final Judge
Elijah, He is your humble whisper
Hosea, He is your Bridegroom
Isaiah, He is the burning coal
Ezekiel, He is the image of Yahweh
John, He is the Baptist

Hear, all you Israelites — He is Risen!

Bezalel, He is your Creator
Joshua, He is your Namesake
Caleb, He is your Courage
Mephibosheth, He is able
Daniel, He is your Intercessor
Esther, He is there
Ezra, He is not forgetful

Hear, all you saints — He is Risen!

Peter, He is your Rock
John, He is your Love
Lazarus, He is your Resurrection
Paul, He is your Message
Luke, He is the Author of history
Philemon, He is your Master
Timothy, He is your Shepherd

Hear, all you nations — He is Risen!

Thirsty, He is your Living Water
Hungry, He is your Bread of Life
Lost, He is your home
Deceivers, He is your Truth
Unclean, He is your flowing river
Sinners, He is your wage
Dead, He is your Life

Hear, as the Body cries — He is Risen Indeed!

April 12, 2020 -- 8:26 PM
He is Risen -- less a poem, more a list