

LORD, I wander so often
Far from your loving kindness
My heart tempted by wonder
Satisfaction asunder

LORD, I search the world fallen
Far from glittering palace
My heart ravaged by plunder
Satisfaction asunder

LORD, I fear shutting coffins
Far from life, hands, feet, callous
My heart terrored by thunder
Satisfaction asunder

LORD, I turn, my gaze stolen
Far from this world, so Christless
Far to empty tomb Christless
LORD, I turn, my sins stolen

Satisfaction bewonder
My heart gladdened by thunder
Far to life, hands, feet, callous
LORD, I thank shutting coffins

Satisfaction bewonder
My heart rescued by plunder
Far to glittering palace
LORD, I flee the world fallen

Satisfaction bewonder
My heart humbled by wonder
Far to your loving kindness
LORD, I wonder so often

September 2, 2020
Here I Journey.